Handmade with Reiki
by Colleen Benelli
First Published – Reiki News Magazine, Fall 2009.
Artwork by Gaia Orion.
Winter is coming and it is a perfect time of year for How to Imbue any Craft Project with Reiki crafts. Consider making your holiday gifts this year and using Reiki to empower your love and intentions as you create. Reiki adds life force energy to anything we ask it to. It fills our bodies, food, homes and pets, and it can imbue Reiki qualities into any other material. It doesn’t differentiate between natural and man-made. It will empower all things with a divine presence, and higher consciousness vibrations.
It is fun and easy to make Reiki gifts for others. Simply add Reiki to your craft as you make it, think of your intention or prayer for the other person, and imbue your gift with love. Those receiving your gifts can feel the life force energy of handmade crafts imbued with Reiki and prayer when they open them. Energy and love will continue to emanate from the gifts while they are being used. I knit Reiki scarves blessed with prayers for health and well-being and give them to kids in hospitals. I often receive comments about how comforting they are.
When you are making your Reiki gifts, listen to the phrase, “It is the thought that counts,” and go deeply into that truth. Let Reiki help you align with your heart, to deeply feel and think of the blessings you are imparting to your gifts. Activate Reiki in yourself and in the room and fill your breath with Reiki so your intention is always present as you create a gift. Reiki will hold the purity of your intention for you, so if you are talking to others, or watching TV, or doing anything else while you are creating, the gift will only receive the prayer from your heart and not any of the other outside influences.
Colleen Benelli can be reached by email at colleen@reikilifestyle.com, by phone at 503.912.0664, on her website at www.reikilifestyle.wpengine.com, or on her Facebook page, Reiki Lifestyle-Colleen Benelli. Join Colleen’s monthly ReikiChat™ conversation, www.reikichat.com.