Robyn Benelli

USUI/Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki®  Master

Professional Member of the Reiki Membership Association.
Currently enrolled in Licensed Reiki Master Teacher Training Program with the ICRT

Co-author and teacher of ICRT Animal Reiki training.

Robyn provides Reiki as a complementary therapy to help reduce pain and stress, heal trauma, and most of empower true self and your life. She uses Reiki to access the healing powers we have inside of us, whether physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual.

Robyn believes that Reiki can help us access our higher consciousness. She helps her clients reach their full potential by using Reiki to help empower them and to discover their own intuition and inner guidance. Robyn helps her clients live a purposeful and meaningful life, using Reiki to aid them in making conscious decisions for long-term fulfillment. She uses Reiki for the continual pursuit of self-evolvement and also to help reveal practical solutions.

Robyn is a Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki® Master and practitioner at Reiki Lifestyle and has been a Reiki Master for over 15 years. She is a co-author and teacher of ICRT Animal Reiki training. She is a professional member of the Reiki Membership Association and contributing author to Reiki News Magazine. She is also the co-host of the Reiki Lifestyle Podcast. She lives and practices just outside of Portland, Oregon.

Robyn is the co-creator of the Spirit Reveal technique along with Colleen Benelli and in addition to giving Reiki in the (mostly traditional) hand positions her sessions are channeled out loud. Examples of healings that take place are:

Robyn currently offers distance sessions via Zoom. Sessions are usually 3 parts, the first part is setting intentions, the second portion being the channeled part, and the 3rd part is the sharing and answering questions after and her rate is $100/hr. Distance sessions are just as effective as in person and Reiki allows Robyn to connect with her clients in a very deep way. She also does distance Animal Reiki sessions and combined caregiver/animal session.

Schedule an Appointment with Robyn

Please contact Robyn at:

(503) 912-0664