Reiki Crafts for Kids
by Colleen Benelli & Robyn Benelli
First Published – Reiki News Magazine, Winter 2017
“GRANDMA, I WANT TO LEARN REIKI,” said my six-year-old grandson Calvin. His 10-year-old sister Eva already had Reiki attunements, and his parents, aunt, Pop-Pop and grandmother all do Reiki, so it was natural that he wanted to learn it too. I was really excited! I have had weekly “Grandma days” since Eva was born. The following week was spring break and we already had Grandma days scheduled, so we added learning more Reiki to the plans we already had for the week.
I wanted the Reiki training for Calvin and Eva to be part of our grandma day, rather than a separate “class.” On our first Reiki day, we talked a while about Reiki, what it is and how it works. I told them about Usui Sensei and a little about the history. I kept this part short because I also have the opportunity to talk about Reiki with Calvin and Eva at other times, like during our car rides. If I were teaching a Kids Reiki class I would still keep it pretty short. Children are far more interested in the energy of Reiki than the information.
Since I now teach and practice Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki, I use an attunement style called a “Reiki Placement.” During the Placement, the teacher provides a short, guided experience, followed by 20 minutes of silence during which the student receives the ability to give Reiki. I wondered how I would facilitate the time of silence with my young grand kids who, of course, have limited attention spans.
I meditated with Reiki and asked what to do. I was shown to give the kids an activity to do during the time of silence. I thought about easy projects and things I already had materials for. I put the materials together to make “Reiki Wildflower Seedpods,” which is a craft project I’ve done with children before. I also planned on snacks and lunch. Kids and Reiki are a hungry combination!
I gave the kids pretty easy instructions on the project and that we were going to do the project during the silence. I told them it was a quiet time but they didn’t have to be completely silent or still, just mindful. I introduced them to the concept of mindful- ness.1 They seemed to already know what mindfulness was and we talked about how Reiki can help them be mindful. I was amazed at how much they already knew and that they said they wanted a way to practice it. Calvin said, “I understand a lot, Grandma!”
To begin the Reiki Placement process, I activated Reiki in front of them. I did this so they could see and learn how to activate Reiki. I drew the Reiki symbols in my hands, I beamed Reiki in front of me and all around the room and on them. I turned on some music, asked them to close their eyes and then proceeded with the guided Experience for Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki I. Then I simply invited Reiki to give them the gift of Reiki. In an Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki Placement, a teacher does not interact with the students in the way that was needed during an Usui Reiki attunement process. The energy goes directly to the student, so what I did at this point was to invite Reiki to give them the gift of Reiki at the level they were ready to receive it.
We were silent for a few minutes, and then I had the kids start their craft project. It was amazing to see the difference in their drawing before the guided experience and after. Monsters became rainbows and angels. The kids were very close to Nana, my mother, and their great grandmother who had passed away six months before. Eva drew a beautiful picture of Nana as an angel. Calvin drew a picture of his dad and talked about how great his dad is. Then they started to make I love you cards for their parents. It was fun to watch the colors, creativity and Reiki flow through them. In addition to these paper gestures of love, Calvin and Eva also made beautiful pictures to use for the next step in this Reiki craft project.
After they drew their pictures, we continued our paper craft- making by making the paper pulp we needed for our garden project of planting Reiki wildflower seedpods. We tore specially chosen pictures into shreds (these did not include the cards and drawings they had made of their family members!), then put the shreds in the blender, added water and blended it all into paper pulp. The kids beamed Reiki at the blender. The pulp was very wet, so we squeezed some of the excess water out with paper towels.
The kids put small amounts of paper pulp into the bottom of each round of a cupcake tin. We all beamed the wildflower seeds with Reiki while we sprinkled them onto the paper pulp. Then they placed another small bit of paper pulp over the top to turn each one into a future Reiki seedpod. They dried enough for the kids to take them home that day. I planted a couple in my back- yard. They came up as Poppy’s!
Additional Kids Reiki Craft Projects
When I shared the story of our Grandma day Reiki project with William Rand and that we would be doing more of them in the summer, he suggested that I write an article about them. I told Calvin, Eva and their aunt Robyn about William’s request, and they all agreed that it sounded like fun, so we decided to do Reiki projects on our Grandma days all summer long. We had a great time looking and listening for ideas and playing with Reiki, crafts, horses, hiking and family outings. The kids wanted to learn more and more about Reiki and how to use it!
Whether you are teaching Kids Reiki formally or just spending time with kids you know and love, you can add Reiki throughout your day. Following are some additional Reiki craft projects that are easy and work great during a Reiki class, Placements or just Reiki quiet time. Simply activate Reiki with the kids and let them create.
My grandkids love Pam and Don McMahon’s music and chants.2 Their songs are all spiritual and lighthearted. We were driving and singing along with the music when Calvin passion- ately said, “I just want to know how to talk to God!” I told him there were many ways to talk to God and many ways to hear God. I wanted to give them experiences of God in nature. Out of Calvin’s wish came our next Reiki craft project.
We are fortunate to live near Portland, Oregon, where there are so many opportunities to get out and enjoy being in nature. We went to the river to talk to God and hear God in the river. We activated Reiki and asked for river sticks and rocks that would like to be part of our next Reiki craft project. I taught the kids to ask the river to guide them and to reveal which rocks and sticks wanted to go home with them. They talked about how they could hear the river and the rocks talk to them. Baby Luna, Robyn’s little girl, was elated to be with her big cousins and the river. We collected the sticks to make Reiki Talking Sticks and the rocks for our Reiki Rocks project. It was a very spiritual experience for us all.
Reiki Talking Sticks
“The Talking Stick is the tool that teaches each of us to honor the Sacred Point of View of every living creature.” Robyn told the kids about the Talking Stick tradition for truthful communication. We thought that giving kids a great communication tool was a wonderful Reiki-related gift.
Robyn: I told them how it fascinated me how the Native Americans had shown some of the Founding Fathers of our country how to use a talking stick in meetings. Eva, who is passionate about people’s rights and the laws that help protect them, especially loved the part of my story that some of the Indian chiefs of the Iroquois Federation had taught them about the stick. The Founding Fathers had a Talking Stick present when they were writing the Constitution. We also used this time to teach the kids about the idea of making an agreement or a promise when using a Reiki Talking Stick. The person holding the stick has the complete attention of each person attending the circle. The people listening agree to listen in silence and wait to form an opinion until the person with the stick has completed his or her turn to speak. What a great tool for kids to use and to have in their families. They can express themselves honestly and safely.
Reiki Talking Stick Materials: Stick, leather or cloth, feathers, beads, sharpie pens. Hot glue, sinew or cords to tie around fabrics or string beads. Just give the kids the materials and let them create! Reiki happens all around.
Eva loves the sparkles on her stick. She also wrote a lot of words such as peace, love and joy on her stick with a Sharpie pen.
Reiki Rocks Project
Materials: Rocks, Sharpie marking pens, paper, paper cutters, Mod Podge, paint brushes
Reiki rocks completed.
The kids draw on the rocks, write nice words, cut out paper hearts and put Mod Podge on to seal them. Then they Reiki the rocks and put them in public places for people to find!
Tie Dye with Sharpies
Materials: Pre-washed, white t-shirt, Sharpie pens, rubbing alcohol, dropper. Be sure to have a prepared, covered space to lay out the t-shirts while drawing on them and a covered counter and floor surface to protect them from any dripping alcohol. Ditto for a place to let the t-shirts dry completely.
Eva told me about this tie-dye t-shirt project and so we made it a Reiki craft project! Using Sharpie pens, put dots in a circle around a dot or have them experiment with their own graphic design. Then use a dropper to put rubbing alcohol on the ink and let the ink run and create a really great design. Calvin made his for his Pop-Pop and filled it with Reiki. For Luna, it’s all about hanging with the cousins.
Reiki Self-Portrait
Materials: butcher paper, colored pens, pencils, and markers This next project was one of my favorites! It was a great craft project to use during Placements. We simply took butcher paper, drew outlines of the kids and guided them through an Usui/Holy Fire III Placement experience. I added that they were beautiful and full of color and light. In the quiet time that followed, Eva and Calvin loved creating their self-portrait. If finding large enough paper is not possible or if the kids are older (and bigger!), I would just draw the outline of their hands on paper and let them color in their hands.
Animal Reiki with Kids Project
Gator loves Reiki. I think that he gives the kids Reiki as much as they give him. Robyn and I taught Calvin and Eva how to activate Reiki to give the horses in the barn Reiki and love. If you are fortunate enough to have animals at your home, indoors or outdoors, teach your kids how to offer them Reiki. Two great resources for Reiki and animals are Kathleen Prasad’s books on the subject5 and “Reiki for Animals, An Anthology of Articles from the Reiki News Magazine.”6
Eva, Calvin, Luna, Robyn and I are happy to share these Kids Reiki Craft projects with you. We hope they inspire you to create your own craft projects. You will be able to see future projects on my YouTube channel “Reiki Lifestyle.” Eva is obsessed with making slime and I have some of her video instructions on YouTube to share with you. Please feel free to use these Kids Reiki Craft projects in any way!
Colleen Benelli can be contacted through her website, www.ReikiLifestyle.com, by email colleen@reikilifestyle.com or by phone at (503) 912-0664. Join her monthly ReikiChat™ podcast through a live conference call or listen to a recording on her website or iTunes under Reiki Lifestyle
1 “The practice of maintaining a nonjudgmental state of heightened or complete
awareness of one’s thoughts, emotions, or experiences on a momentto-moment
basis.” www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/mindfulness.
2 Pam and Don McMahon, Straight from the Heart: Acoustic Music to Feed
Your Soul, www.store.cdbaby.com/cd/dmcmahon.
3 www.firstpeople.us.
4 Steven R. Covey wrote “The Talking Stick has played an integral part in
Native American government for centuries. In fact, some of the Founding
Fathers of the American Republic (particularly Benjamin Franklin) were educated in the ideas behind the Talking Stick by Indian chiefs of the Iroquois
Federation.” Steven R. Covey, The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness
(New York, NY: Free Press, 2004.)
5 www.animalreikisource.com/reiki-store/kathleens-books/.
6 www.reikiwebstore.com/ProductPage.cfm?ProductID=698&CategoryID=2.
© Reiki News Magazine • Winter 2017 • www.reiki.org Reiki Crafts for Kids
Colleen is the founder of Reiki Lifestyle and a Senior Licensed Reiki Master Teacher for the ICRT. She teaches all levels of Usui/Holy Fire Reiki including Holy Fire Karuna Reiki®. She is also an Associate Teacher for the LightSong School of Shamanic Studies. Colleen lives in Portland, Oregon. Join her on ReikiChat™, a free, monthly Q & A teleconference call, by going to www.ReikiChat.com. For all other information, Colleen can be reached by email at colleen@reikilifestyle.com, through her website at www.reikilifestyle.wpengine.com or by phone at (503) 912-0664.
Robyn Benelli is a full-time Holy Fire III Reiki Master and practitioner in Portland, Oregon. She can be contacted by email at robynbenelli@gmail.com and by phone at (503) 912-0664. Listen to Colleen
and Robyn on ReikiChat™, their Reiki Lifestyle podcast on Reikilifestyle.com or Apple podcasts/Reiki Lifestyle.