I Am Not Gone
My Dearest Loves,
I have left the world.
It seems as if I have left you, my children, my friends, and my loves. But in truth, I am not gone.
I have only returned to the light; I am still a whisper away.
I felt the gentleness of angels as I left the world And entered Heaven.
I am now in the arms of God.
I know His love, His truth and His peace.
And I tell you this, my loved ones, My life is with you always.
Our love is larger than death.
Our love is forever.
As I am held in the arms of God,
I hold each of you in my arms.
From within the light I give you comfort, And I heal your hearts.
I send you my love each day.
When you miss me, when you grieve,
Smile at a child, laugh with a friend, love your family. Dream on a star.
And you will know that I am with you.
That I am not gone.
Dearest Ones,
Thank you for being the lights and loves in my life. I have loved you always. I love you still.
I am not gone.
I am in Heaven, playing with angels,
Rejoined with my loves that came before me.
I send you my laughter in the breeze. Talk with me.
I am not gone.
I am simply a whisper away.
I love you all, Pearl
Monday October 15, 2001