Animal Reiki

ICRT Animal Reiki Training:
I & II and Master Classes

Receive this powerful new energy and training! Taught by 3 co-authors of the course and manual: Colleen Benelli, Sioux Strong, and Robyn Benelli!

ICRT Animal Reiki 1 & 2 Training

This beginning training is thorough and comprehensive. On completion of this 2-day workshop, you will be able to offer Animal Reiki treatments to all species of animals.

Animal Reiki energy received in this course is its own energy. It is a different energy source than human reiki. The placement given in the class will attune and unify the Animal Reiki energy with your existing Reiki energy and symbols. The Animal Reiki Course includes the Animal Reiki Placement which gives the practitioner the ability to channel the Animal Reiki Energy. This course also includes practitioner skills, tools, and techniques. This class is open to all lineages.

During the two day Animal Reiki 1&2 Class you will:

This class is open to all Reiki lineages and belief systems with animal relationship, but you must be Reiki Level 1 & 2 to register.

Class fee is $495.
Classes are held online via zoom 9am-6:30pm Pacific each day.
You will receive a certificate upon completion of the course.

ICRT Animal Reiki Master Training

The Animal Reiki Master course provides the Animal Reiki energy, as well as the tools and techniques needed to practice, share Reiki with animals, and teach Animal Reiki with skill and expertise. You will learn the deeper tools and techniques for sessions, as well as how to teach the tools and techniques for your Animal Reiki class as a Master practitioner. After completion of this course you will be able to teach Animal Reiki I & II and Animal Reiki Master level classes, both online and in-person.

If you feel called to help animals or are already working with animals but want to deepen your skills and technique, or feel called to teach Animal Reiki,  the Animal Reiki energy is specifically reiki energy for animals. The Animal Reiki symbol received in this Master class empowers the vitality and life force in both animals and people. It unifies the human and animal consciousness in the Reiki practitioner. The Animal Reiki energy and this Master class is deeply healing for people, as much as it is for the animals. 

The Master course also comes with the comprehensive Animal Reiki Master Manual authored by Colleen Benelli, Sioux Strong, Robyn Benelli, and Pamela Allen-Leblanc with class outlines included.

In this 3-day course, you will:

This Master course is a great fit if you want to:

The Animal Reiki Master training is a three-day class. This class is open to all Reiki lineages and belief systems with animal relationship, but you must be Animal Reiki I & II and human Reiki Master level to register.

Class fee is $1295.
Classes are held online via zoom 9am-6:30pm Pacific each day.
You will receive a certificate upon completion of the course.

For more information on Animal Reiki, please read our article from Reiki News Magazine or visit our FAQ page. You can also visit Reiki.Org for more information on Animal Reiki.

Learn more about your Animal Reiki teachers here