
A process of inner discovery and healing

What is Reiki and SoulCollage®?

SoulCollage Reiki and SoulCollage® is a process of inner discovery and personal healing. You will meet yourself in your SoulCollage® cards. Each card you make reveals another aspect of your unique story, history, feelings, motivations, intentions, and shadows. As you create your cards, you build an entire deck that can answer your questions from your own heart. Reiki invites spiritual guidance and healing as you discover your inner world.

Reiki and SoulCollage® complement each other because they each heal our spirit. Reiki heightens our intuition and insights, and SoulCollage® provides a process for our inner self to express itself. SoulCollage® creates an opportunity to open our hearts and see what is hidden inside.

SoulCollage® is creative, but not always artistic. Anyone can do it because the intention is one of personal discovery not artistry. What the card looks like is less important than what it says to you. The cards are always beautiful and perfect for each person. SoulCollage® is fun, easy, and inexpensive to do. All you need is scissors, glue and pictures.

Your images will choose you as much as you select them. Photos from magazines or photography will find their way to you and your personal SoulCollage® cards. Then, as if the images collage themselves, your SoulCollage® card is made. The card invites you into it, and tells you its story, as revealed by your collage. In time, you will make an entire deck of SoulCollage® cards. Then you can consult your cards for guidance about the questions you have in your life. As you “read” your cards, your inner guidance is shown to you by the images you collaged. Reiki invites spiritual guidance and a connection to your higher self, and provides healing when you need it to help you resolve your answers to your questions.

Seena Frost, author of the book “SoulCollage®,” created the process of SoulCollage® by combining her years of experience as a collage artist and psychotherapist. Seena created her unique method of making and reading SoulCollage® cards to help people find their inner guidance. After you make a card, you read it. Each reading begins with the phrase “I Am the One Who…,” and the images on the card finish that sentence. The card speaks to you straight from your soul, often revealing hidden aspects of who you really are.

Principles of SoulCollage®

Seena also created principles of SoulCollage® to hold a particular integrity of the work. One of these principles is that we thank all the wonderful photographers and artists whose images have inspired us to recreate and discover our inner and outer worlds. SoulCollage artists honor their work. Another principle is that SoulCollage® cards are only created for our personal use. They are not sold, traded, or bartered. This allows a person to freely create with no other need than their own personal use. It also respects the copyrights of the artists whose work we use in our cards.

For more information about SoulCollage® go to or read Seena’s book “SoulCollage®”

Class Information

One day class
hours: 10am – 4pm
fee: $65.00 (includes materials)

Most classes are in Portland, OR.
Be sure to check for alternate locations when you register.

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